Saturday, January 24, 2009

You have what!??...TPACK!

WOW! TPACK is so interesting! I never realized how many different types of knowledge there are. It is neat to me that you have to start with a basic understanding, Content Knowledge, Technological Knowledge, and Pedagogical knowledge. You have to start with the basics and build on them. Then you have twice as many different types of knowledge than you started with. You can have the basic ones plus, Pedagogical Content knowledge, technological content knowledge, or technological pedagogical knowledge. Isn't this neat? But the coolest thing is that you can have all 3, which is what I want to shoot for. Technological Pedagogcial and Content Knowledge. TPACK can help many classrooms because of the vast amounts of knowledge this brings. It can help teachers see different ways to include technology in the class room, or tools to help teach in specific ways (tools of the trade or pedagogy tools).I am all about that hands-on learning because it appeals to many types of learning.
One technology I explored was Stellarium. This is a such a unique tool for students to use. I thought it was neat that you could look at the sky from any city in the world. you could see so many different stars and learn about each one. This is a great tool for astronomy lessons because not only does it allow for hands-on experience, it allows students to learn about individual stars and where they can be found in the world at different times. I LOVE TECHNOLOGY! :)

1 comment:

  1. I agree that hands-on learning appeals to many types of learners. I LOVED Stellarium too. It was fun to explore. I even looked up the night sky from the evening that I was born. WAY COOL!
