Thursday, January 15, 2009

How I learned to make chicken salad--Educational Psych reflection 1

Well, I love food. I know you could probably tell from looking at me...but seriously, food is amazing! My mom makes the BEST chicken salad sandwiches EVER. This week I was really sick…and you know when you’re sick, you just want your mom to be there to take care of you, right? Well, sadly, my mom is 1500 miles away. I wanted and needed something from home to make me feel better…what better than to have the home feel AND accomplish an assignment? I’m a pro at multi-tasking. I decided to make my mom’s chicken salad.
I decided that I needed to get the recipe and have my mom share some genius pointers. That woman is amazing. She has tricks like you wouldn’t believe! The recipe calls for onions, but some people in my family hate onions. My mom told me to by minced onions (dried) so that you couldn’t taste them as much! That is tricky, huh? I thought so too. My adventure was at the store. Since I was sick, I was on some medication, and it was interesting watching me walk around Albertson’s, I’m sure. However, I survived and got everything I needed.
I got home and boiled the chicken. It is easier to work with when it is boiled. While the chicken was boiling, I peeled 3 apples, and halved a lot of grapes. This whole recipe is about “eye-balling” it. I learned this the hard way. As I added all the ingredients, I thought I had everything down just right. However, I realized that I put a little too many onions! Even though they were dried, I still put too many!
Therefore I started over, to master this skill; you have to make it several times. I most definitely mastered it! My friend Brianna even told me it was delicious! Now, she may have been boosting my self-esteem a little bit, but let’s just pretend she was 100% serious.
It felt great to make something that my mom makes so well. Now I don’t have to rely on her when I go home to make it! I am definitely glad to have my mom a phone call away so that I can say “hey, I think I messed up, what should I do now after x, y, z?” or things like that. She helped me to master the skill of making chicken salad! Now, don’t you wish you could have some of that delicious chicken salad???

1 comment:

  1. I do wish I had some!!! We missed you in math! Get better!
