Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Internet Safety

1. What article did you choose to read for your fourth article?
I read "Let our voices be heard" by M. Russell Ballard

2. What were the most important things you learned from the readings?
The most important things I learned from this was that we need to stand up for what we know is right. We know what brings the spirit into our lives and what drives it away. If we are not careful, the things we see in the media will affect our spirituality, slowly but surely. I also learned that it is important for our children to know what is right and wrong. We need to teach them the things they should be watching and what is inappropriate.

3. How will what you have read influence your actions as a parent and/or teacher of children and youth?
I want to make sure that the computers are in the living rooms or somewhere that there is a lot of foot traffic. I also will make sure that no TVs are in bedrooms. That is just asking for trouble, I think. I need to be an example to the students I am trying to influence. If I don't model good behavior, how can I expect them to behave? Also, it is important to stress the need for parental control/blocks on internet and TV. I want to make sure this is known.

4. How can you use what you have learned from the reading to have a positive influence on family and friends?
I think the positive influence is in sharing what information I have in helping others stay safe on the internet. Obviously, the internet is readily available and no one can stay away from it completely. I can encourage people to just make smart decisions about what they watch and listen to and what they let their children watch and listen to. I can make sure to stress the importance of family and the unity that we can find as a family. I can also encourage people to stay away from degrading things and only look for uplifting things.

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