Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tech Idea-Week 11

I have not had the opportunity to teach my technology lesson yet. We are still planning on doing the scavenger hunt that I described in my previous post. We will have the students go around the school in groups with a digital camera, and take pictures of all the different shapes and angles we have been learning about. Then, we will create a review game using i-clickers so that the students can be prepared for their assessment. Both of these things include technology and are closely aligned with the core curriculum that our class needs to be learning.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tech Teaching Idea

My third graders have just started a polygon unit. For my lesson, I want to test their understanding of polygons, so I would split them into groups and assign each group a camera. I would have them go around the school and take pictures of different polygons found throughout. We would them come back and I would print off the pictures and the teams would have to collaborate and create a poster or other graphic organizer and explain to the class why they shapes they took pictures of are polygons (closed, no curved edges, and 3 or more sides).

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tech Inventory

When I first got into my classroom I thought, "Wow! There is NO technology in here". However, I was sadly mistaken. My teacher has carefully planned lessons that incorporate technology, even if it is just watching a projected video from her laptop, or using a microphone for class. When I asked her about other technologies, it turns out the school is more technologically advanced than I thought! It turns out that there are many resources for teachers to use technology in their classrooms.

The 6th grade students have access to SMART boards, which I must say are pretty cool! I think that they help students to have hands-on learning with technology...what more could you ask for? Students have an opportunity to go weekly to the computer lab to learn more about technology and the great resources that can be found using it. I think that my school has plenty of opportunities for students to use technology and for teachers to get technology into the classroom. It really is a great thing!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Google Earth

So, I hope this worked...Google Earth is harder to work than I thought! Basically, I used it so that my students would have an idea where in the world each type of ecosystem is...

Click here for the tour

if that doesn't work, just go to http://sites.google.com/site/foript287/my-files