Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Psych Questions--Quiz 8

True or False:

1. ___ Goals that are specific, moderately difficult, and that are able to be reached in the near future increase motivation.

2. ___ Arousal is a feeling of tension.

3. ___ Self-actualization is an object that encourages or discourages behavior.

4. ___ The contribution of a task to meeting one's goals is utility value.

5. ___ Failure-avoiding students do not take risks.

Answers: 1. true 2. false 3. false 4. true 5. true

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

TPACK for Google Earth tour


Objective 2 Describe how various communities have adapted to existing environments and how other communities have modified the environment.
a. Describe the major world ecosystems (i.e. desert, plain, tropic, tundra, grassland, mountain, forest, wetland).

  • observing
  • classifying
  • questioning/predicting
  • group learning
  • inquiry
Students are able to visualize different ecosystems of the world and see what types of animals, vegetation, etc. are included in each ecosystem. Students will identify the different types of ecosystems by observing different parts of the world. They will be able to classify other areas of the world into each major ecosystem.

Google Earth is a great way for students to see certain places and really get inside the culture or surroundings of an area. Google Earth will help students to see different types of ecosystems and why/ how they are different. This is a great tool for students to visualize aspects of an ecosystem.

Google Earth Plan!!!

Here is my table for my tour plan

LocationActivityGoogle Earth Content
1. Mojave Desert
Discuss as a class what a desert ecosystem looks like. With a partner, draw a desert ecosystem, like the Mojave Desert
2. Nebraska
Discuss as a class what the Great Plains are and what a plain ecosystem is. As a class, research 3 states within the Great Plains
3. Sri Lanka
Talk about tropic ecosystems and research Sri Lanka. What makes this a tropical location?
4. North Pole
Discuss as a class what a tundra ecosystem looks like. Ask the students if they know of any other tundra ecosystems.
5. Inner Mongolia (China)
In groups, research grassland ecosystems. Look up Inner Mongolia and come up with at least one other grassland location.
6. Rocky Mountains
With a partner, talk about mountain ecosystems. Find 3 other mountain ecosystems and share these with the class.
7. Daintree Rainforest, Queensland, Australia
As a class, discuss a forest ecosystem. Ask the students what this would entail and see if they know of any other forest ecosystems other than the Daintree Rainforest.
8. Florida Everglades
Research Florida and the Everglades. Talk about what a wetland ecosystem is. As a class, discuss what types of animals are found there and what type of vegetation is included in these regions.
Details of image overlay / path / polygon

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Psych quiz questions: quiz 7

Choose the correct letter to the corresponding definitions.

1. ___ adopting the norms, behaviors, skills, beliefs, language, and attitudes of a particular community.
2. ___ a system of interacting activities that results in a self-consciously active and reflecting learning environment.
3. ___ evaluating conclusions by logically and systematically examining the problem, the evidence, and the solution.
4. ___ learning through observation of others.
5. ___ accomplishments modeled by someone else.

a. Fostering communities of learners (FCL)
b. Social Learning Theory
c. Situated learning
d. Vicarious experiences
e. Critical thinking

Answers: 1. C, 2. A, 3. E, 4. B, 5. D

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Animals Are Awesome

Animals are awesome--a story of surprising alliteration. For this technology assignment, I made an ABC book about animals, but used alliteration to learn new vocabulary words. I know I'm probably the worst artist known to mankind, but enjoy. :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Educational Psych Quiz Questions--Module 2-5

Write the letter of the correct definition beside the word.

1. ____ covering neurons with a fatty sheath.

2. ____ space between neurons.

3. ____ order of words in phrases or sentences.

4. ____ changes in an individual's thinking.

5. ____ changes in the body.

a. syntax
b. physical
c. myelination
d. cognitive
e. synapses

answers: 1. c 2. e 3. a 4. d 5. b

Monday, February 9, 2009

TPACK questions: Storyboard

Here are my TPACK questions for my storyboard project.


Standard 1, Objective 2
Develop language through viewing media and presenting.


The writing project we will make is an ABC book. For this project, I decided that it meets many of the third grade language arts state curriculum. This book will be a book using alliteration to learn new vocabulary, including animals the students may not be familiar with. We would go through the alphabet and brainstorm lists of animals for each letter. As a class, we would then decided on one animal per letter and construct our book using alliteration. This is a fun way to get the students involved in their learning, especially with something as difficult as learning new vocabulary terms and literary devices. Then as individuals or in small groups, we would design our own ABC book, and use PhotoStory to create it.


We will use PhotoStory to complete this project. This is a good fit with the content, because students are required to use media to present projects. This program will allow students to use creativity to design their books. It allows for many different learning styles to feel comfortable, because there is much to learn from technology, and many ways to direct our learning.

Storyboards are FUN!

Despite the fact that I might be the worst artist mankind will ever know, here is my delightful story that my students would help create...We are going to make an ABC book about our animal friends.

Note: Page 1

Note: Page 2

Note: Page 3

We would of course, continue through the alphabet, so that our animal friends can help us learn our letters!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Educational Psych Quiz Questions Module 15-17

1. What is the learning of involuntary responses?
a. Classical Conditioning
b. stimuli
c. Operant Conditioning

answer: A. classical conditioning

2. When a stimulus disappears in order to strengthen behavior, it is called what?
a. positive reinforcement
b. presentation punishment
c. negative reinforcement
d. removal punishment

answer: C. Negative reinforcement

3. When behavior is suppressed, what 2 things can occur?
a. positive or negative reinforcement
b. presentation or removal punishment

answer: B. presentation or removal punishment